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Topic: Anyone change their mind?  (Read 3120 times)

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Re: Anyone change their mind?
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2009, 06:34:51 PM »
We have actually just decided to move up our date from four years from now until next summer. I got here in March of this year, and our original plan had us moving when our oldest had one year of high school left. Unfortunately, I did the math wrong converting her level here in the UK to US schools.

I would really like to stay and get my citizenship, because none of us know what the future holds. However, I realize that it's more than just me now, it's my husband who really wants to move, and our children, who are excited about moving now, but in another few years, who knows, and it will certainly be easier if they want to (they are 11 and 13 now). Plus, the added high school years before starting college will be beneficial to them, I am sure.

We'll be moving very near to my parents and all my extended family in central Virginia. I could go back to my old job (though I'd rather not, but again, I'll do what I need to). I'm pretty sure they'll hire my husband as well, since they loved me and I left on great terms. We would've had to live with my parents, but I just got confirmation from a friend of the family that she needs a caretaker at her family home (they live in WVa 11 months out of the year) and she offers free rent for lawn/yard care. That really sealed it for us. Not having to pay rent (and not living with parents) will be a great burden off of our shoulders.

I wish all of you making this decision the best. It's a hard one.

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Re: Anyone change their mind?
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2009, 11:57:45 AM »
I've been in the UK for 8 years now.  We have been seriously considering a move back to the US, but not sure if it's the right choice.  We have made a comfortable life here in the UK, but it has come w/ several sacrafices.  Over time, you begin to ponder if life in the US is better than here, for example, housing, cost of living, salaries, ect...
Or am I just making it better in my mind than it really is in reality???
There are things I miss about the US (better cost of living vs salaries, space, etc) but there are advantages of living in the UK (traveling, health care, etc)
Any advice? Thanks

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Re: Anyone change their mind?
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2009, 12:04:39 PM »
Don't know if it's advice or more like a comment - when you've been away so long, you forget the way things really were, plus time has, of course, moved on and what you thought you remembered may not be like that now. 

I hope that made some kind of sense!  I guess I'm just saying that the thought of moving back needs to be looked at in the clear, cold light of day.  I guess I know of too many people moving - whether back to the UK or back to the US - who found it to be a lot more difficult to settle in than they thought it would be...but, from what I can tell, settle they have (for the most part).
UK resident since 2005, UK citizen as of 2010 due to female British parent.

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Re: Anyone change their mind?
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2009, 09:15:30 AM »
Anyone changed their mind about moving back to the US because of the current state of the economy?  The unemployment rate is really bothering me.  I think the next great depression is on the horizon.

Nope, but the current state of health care scares the bejeezus out of me.

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