Of course, the gamut of good replies has already been run here, and there is not much new that I can add, except this... you talk of being a romantic, but who ever said romance has to be whirlwind? I have found there's nothing more romantic than gradually falling deeper and deeper and deeper in love. When you've already been together 3 years, doing the long distance thing monotonously, thinking you're as in love as you can get, and then realizing you were wrong.
To me, that's romance. That's the exciting part. Slow can be romantic. Somehow, working (very) hard at your relationship when you're head's gone a bit funny from being unemployed and cooped up in the house for too long (I know it sounds innocent, but believe me, if you're not careful you will start behaving very strangely indeed) becomes the most romantic thing in the world with the right person.
So picture this. Strip away the thatched cottage for a second, and the sunshine, and the garden full of roses. Strip away the *novelty* for a second--imagine those big black taxi cabs are nothing but plain yellow cabs on the street. Imagine that your kids are having a hard time adjusting, that you can't find any of the food you want in the store because it's called something different or no one eats it over there, that your easel is sitting in a corner where it's been for months because it's too rainy to take it outside and you just haven't felt inspired. Is it still romantic?
If so, I think you've got your answer right there. And you've got a whole slew of interested and caring people here waiting to hear about what happens--for better or worse.
BTW, just for reference, my "bloke" and i have been together for 3 1/2 years, it will be a total of 4 years, 2 months when we get married. We met the "normal" way while I was studying abroad over there for 6 months, and except for another 6 month stint last year (a VERY good idea) the rest has been long distance and 1-week (sometimes less) visits.
All the best.