Ex-jerseygirl posted her recipe several months ago on the What's for Tea thread, but not sure if I can find it. I think this is the general gist of it: Unsmoked gammon trimmed of excess fat, tossed in the slow cooker with some barbecue sauce. Then shredded with two forks toward the end and add more sauce. OK, yeah, that may be a bit more basic than what she said.... lol. But this is pretty much what I did. I don't make my own sauce yet, but I can say I prefer the HP barbecue sauces to many others I have tried. I like to mix the spicy HP bbq sauce with the honey HP bbq sauce to get a sweet and spicy sort of blend, and might add a bit of crushed red chiles to make it a bit spicier, as the spicy bbq sauce here still isn't very spicy. But it depends on what you like.
Just be sure you use an UNSMOKED gammon, if you choose to use gammon, because I made the mistake of using a smoked one and it was ridiculously salty.