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Topic: Pregnancy over age 35?  (Read 3369 times)

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Pregnancy over age 35?
« on: October 23, 2009, 11:06:28 AM »
DH and I are US citizens--we just moved here six weeks ago, and will likely be here at least a few years. We plan on doing a lot of travel our first year, than trying to have a baby the second.

If all goes as planned, that would make me age 38/39 while pregnant. I have several friends who have given birth at this age in the States, and they had *many* more tests and screenings than usual given their "advanced" age.

Has anyone here had a baby in the UK when they were over 35? Were you able to get all the extra tests, etc that you'd have in the US? Would it be necessary to go with private healthcare in that situation?

Thanks so much--hope someone out there can share their experience!

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 11:32:51 AM »
What kind of tests are you thinking of?

I was 36 when I had my son and I think the only extra test I was offered was an amniocentisis.  I had the nuchal fold test & my sugar levels were tested for diabetes but I think they do that for all ages. Other than that I just had the scans - how many you you get on the NHS varies depending on where you are. Some areas only do a scan at 12 weeks.  Some people do get other scans done privately. I am not sure if those are covered by most health insurance policies though, I think you may have to pay out of pocket.

Another thing - I really wanted a home birth but was discouraged by my GP & the midwives because of my age.

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2009, 11:48:30 AM »
I had a baby at 36 last year and there were no extra tests or precautions...I only actually saw a doctor once, midwives the rest of the time. I think they said at 38 they do things differently. Go in and speak with the midwife at your GPs office, she can tell you what to expect. Good luck!!

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2009, 11:55:34 AM »
My SIL just turned 40 and is expecting her first baby in November.  She has had lots of extra tests and checkups.  All on the NHS.  She's had several miscarriages, though, so they're being super careful.
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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2009, 12:05:48 PM »
If I ask my friends what tests they had, rumors would start to fly...  ::)

Two of them didn't even announce their pregnancies until about 3 months because they were awaiting results of some important test (maybe genetic screening, or amnio?) After the test, they were both told that their chances of having a healthy baby were the same as if they were in their 20s.

They both also had "non stress tests" late in their pregnancies. And it seems that there were many appointments in between--the reason generally being because they were of "advanced maternal age."

I wish I could ask about this in more detail, but I am hopelessly naive about it. I guess essentially I am wondering if pregnancies in "older" women (35+) are considered "high risk" here as they are in the States, and if so, are extra tests, checkups, etc offered.

Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2009, 12:09:18 PM »
A lot of people wait until 12 weeks (3 months) to announce pregnancies because at that point the risk of miscarriage decreases.

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2009, 12:14:56 PM »
3 months is also when they usually do the first scan and nuchal fold test.  We only told our parents & a couple of close friends before 3 months. And everyone at UK Yankee of course!!

But basically, yes, first time mums over 35 are considered higher risk here. Whether the tests are the same as you would get in the US with insurance, I can't say.

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2009, 01:58:16 PM »
I had my first son just shy of 36 and my second at almost 38. I was offered other tests but I declined all but the basic scans and was not pushed to have them. Unless you show signs of high risk above and beyond your age, I think they will let you decide what you want to do.
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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2009, 02:43:53 PM »
All good to know. Not that I'm thinking of putting a bun in the oven or anything.  ;) But, let's say I did ( :P) then chances are, that might happen within the next two or three years and I am 33 now.

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2009, 03:58:14 PM »
I was offered other tests but I declined all but the basic scans and was not pushed to have them. Unless you show signs of high risk above and beyond your age, I think they will let you decide what you want to do.

This was precisely my experience.

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2009, 08:39:24 PM »
A friend of mine just had a baby last Friday at age 40. For the most part her experience was the same as other posters; she was offered some extra testing and it was all her choice.  In the end, they did end up watching her a bit more closely, but that was because she developed gestational diabetes and the baby was getting very big, which could have just as easily been an issue if she was in her twenties. She had a section at 37 weeks and her daughter was 11 lbs 2 oz, healthy and gorgeous :)
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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2009, 09:33:58 PM »
great post and it seems like you have gotten some great answers. I personally want to wait as well and found this thread so helpful
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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2009, 10:15:04 PM »
I am pregnant now at 37, I am not having any "extra" tests but if you are over a certain BMI you will have a Glucose Tolerance Test. IMO unless you are high risk, you will be treated fairly normally. I am not aware that women over the age of 35 are treated any differently, so long as they are healthy and fit in general.  The care is midwife led, and you most likely won't see any doctors.  Many of my friends have had babies into the early 40's and haven't had any extra care.

This pregnancy is a real bummer because of a very late loss earlier this year, so the whole road to this baby is filled with doctors appointments, growth scans, and specialist appointments. From my experience, you won't have too many extra care due to age unless you have had previous losses.

My mothers best friend has had 3 kids between the age of 55 & 62 (and her youngest is the same age as my son :o) now thats a late in life pregnancy...

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2009, 10:22:49 PM »

I am actually 38 and expecting my first child right now. Because I do not have any serious health problems I am not being treated differently from any other expectant mother, I've been told my age simply does not matter unless there are other health problems to worry about (like diabetes or heart problems). It's interesting that other people have been offered additional tests, I have not. I was even told, after my 12 week nuchal scan came back normal, that I could NOT have amnio on the NHS. It would cost 500 pounds to have it done privately so I probably will not have it, which does make me a bit nervous.

I'm in London. I had a 12 week scan, where they do the nuchal test for Downs, and I will have a 20 week scan. There are no more scans or tests after that (not sure how that compares to the US?) I've seen a midwife once so far (at 15 weeks), will see her again at 22 weeks, and after that I'm not sure (I think every eight weeks?). I don't get to see a ob/gyn unless there is some serious problem.

It is a really interesting cultural difference, I think. I understand in the US (oh right, I am American) anyone over 35 is treated as high-risk and you get more monitoring and tests. I was in France when I found out I was pregnant, and the doctor I saw there said they treat over-35s as "precious pregnancies", again with a lot more monitoring and tests. So I find it interesting that it's not like that here. I probably would not find it disconcerting, because I generally like a low-key approach, except I wonder, why would they give you so much more attention in other countries, if there wasn't some reason?

Basically, I am trying not to worry about it, but sometimes I do get nervous. Like, there is no scan at all between 22 weeks and delivery? I have told everyone I have a history of large fibroids, which can cause problems at delivery (like bleeding to death) if they are in the wrong location; my midwife said if they would be a problem, they would be able to feel them manually without a scan. I really hope this is true.

I would actually appreciate any advice anyone has on how to keep from worrying! It's just kind of hard to hear for so many years how much riskier it is to have a baby at this age, and then find yourself getting a lot less prenatal care than seems normal in other locations. (It doesn't help that my GP is wretched, when i went for my initial appointment we spent 10 minutes filling out forms, and then as I started asking her about some worrying symptoms (like pain and bleeding) she told me our time was up and I had to leave her office!) And not having amnio worries me. On the plus side, my hospital is one of the best in the UK, so I'm not quite as worried about the actual delivery.

For the OP, I guess it would depend on where in the UK you would be, what they offer people, and also whether you have any health issues that might make a difference.

I think you would have to check the private insurance carefully because a lot of them don't cover pregnancy, or would only cover certain things.

On the plus side -- the great thing about having a baby here is you simply don't have to worry about insurance! Don't have to worry about what will happen if you lose your job, or pay deductibles and all that. It is a big, big relief. And it sounds like there's a fair amount of support after delivery, and much better maternity pay and benefits. So overall, there are probably a lot of tradeoffs and it's best to look at the whole picture?

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Re: Pregnancy over age 35?
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2009, 09:57:54 AM »
My mothers best friend has had 3 kids between the age of 55 & 62 (and her youngest is the same age as my son :o) now thats a late in life pregnancy...

Holy cow!!!!!  :o

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