But people, was fried chicken part of British food culture when American fast food hit the high street? Um, I have no idea, and whatever the case, fried chicken is absolutely ubiquitous in low income neighborhoods in London. If KFC et al had said to Brits, hey, have this biscuit with your chicken, would people have turned it down due to its similarity to the scone (which is surprisingly and unfortunately hard to find here in London)? Did they do market research and find people saying they would never eat bread with chicken? Damn, I am way too close to this subject. I remember moving to Chicago in the late eighties and finding that everywhere you had this soggy white bread with hot sauce with your fried chicken. DELICIOUS. And then there were Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles in L.A., a very exotic treat for this New Yorker, and it took no time to get used to it! Here's a waffle with your chicken. Weird! Yum, thanks! Now, how about this biscuit/scone with your chicken? Why, I think I shall try that! Well done! Thanks for vent. Goodnight.