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Topic: Things that gross you out  (Read 16387 times)

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #135 on: November 27, 2009, 11:59:44 AM »

Isn't Jack Smookler a cool name?

He was destined to be the gnarliest dude on campus with that name.

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #136 on: November 27, 2009, 01:46:35 PM »
I saw a guy on guiness records (dont think the show is on anymore) swallow a couple goldfish and regurgitate them back up alive.
I saw that and kept thinking poor fishies. Yuk.

By the 1970s the record had passed 300.
That's a belly full. Presumable he'd feel them inside. Gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.

He chewed the fish and then swallowed hard, earning himself an extra $10...The news of what Withington had done spread to other colleges, including Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Three weeks later an undergraduate by the name of Frank Hope Jr. outdid the Harvard man by swallowing three goldfish and declaring him a sissy. Even though Frank added salt and pepper, he declined to chew the fish and opted just to swallow.

Chewed? CHEWED?! Aw man that is beyond gross.
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #137 on: November 27, 2009, 02:05:53 PM »
Off topic:  I used to have East African cichlids that used to do the tail chew thing.  I ended up with just one fish because nothing I did seemed to stop the behaviour (except isolation which was impractical in the long term).

Back on topic: I am grossed out by the Churchill insurance commercials (or whatever that "oh yes" dog sells).  I think someone mentioned upthread that they were grossed out by their dogs eating/lapping.  I am too (even though I love dogs), but what really bothers me is when adverts go through the trouble of including the noises in their commercials.  And why the Churchill commercials have them is beyond me.  I totally need the sound of a dog lapping up food to decide which insurance I want to buy.

Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #138 on: November 27, 2009, 05:30:22 PM »
You know what I don't like.  When people eat crisps and they do it with a real glazed look on their faces and they're just robotically putting crisps in their mouths and crunching and then shaking the bag.  I HATE when they shake the bag. And then reach way to the bottom and crunch the bag all up. And then shake the bag again.  It makes me want to rip it out of their hands.
 I also hate when people slosh their soda cans around to see how much is left.  That little jiggle motion just winds me up. 

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #139 on: November 27, 2009, 08:05:15 PM »
You know what I don't like.  When people eat crisps and they do it with a real glazed look on their faces and they're just robotically putting crisps in their mouths and crunching and then shaking the bag.  I HATE when they shake the bag. And then reach way to the bottom and crunch the bag all up. And then shake the bag again.  It makes me want to rip it out of their hands.
Totally hilarious!  I can picture it so vividly!
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #140 on: November 28, 2009, 09:44:58 AM »
It grosses me out when people dunk biscuits in tea, and then after they've drunk all their tea, there is this goupy dough from the biscuits left on the bottom of the cup.

Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #141 on: November 28, 2009, 10:24:50 AM »
Theres this guy who comes into the tattoo shop where I work. He drinks from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to bed. It will be 10am and he will be drinking heavily. He actually brags that he goes through "12 beers,2 bottles of spirits and some WKD everyday "....The look of him,the sight of him, and the way he talks makes me gag. Its totally gross how someone can live their life like that

Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #142 on: November 28, 2009, 11:36:53 AM »
I had to Google to find out what "WKD" is... Surely anybody drinking that amount of alcohol every day would be unable to work for a living, which raises the question of where he gets the money to pay for all that jungle juice. This must be an imprecise calculation but let's have a go: 12 beers - supposing a supermarket 12 pack at around £10, two bottles of cheapest own brand vodka at around £8, that's around £26 so far, even before we costed in the WKD. Jobseeker's allowance is around £60 per week. Possibly he is boastfully exaggerating. Or I suppose keeping his wife & multiple kids short. I expect he has issues. People like that often do. At that rate of consumption he won't make old bones. I would rather talk about yucky things like picking noses or salivating dogs than pass judgement on other peoples life styles, but that's just my own opinion and in no way is intended to be a rebuke or criticism. Honest.

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #143 on: November 28, 2009, 11:51:23 AM »
I would rather talk about yucky things like picking noses or salivating dogs than pass judgement on other peoples life styles, but that's just my own opinion and in no way is intended to be a rebuke or criticism. Honest.
Mostly I just feel really sad for people like that.

And speaking of salivating dogs......our friends have a Newfoundland.  Drool comes out of his mouth 24 hours a day and he constantly smells like a moldy dishrag, no matter how often he is washed.  Also, there is hair *everywhere* in the house--including on the dining table and on the dishes sometimes.  I imagine you could vaccuum the house twice a day and still not be able to keep in under control.
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #144 on: November 28, 2009, 12:10:41 PM »
Well to be honest,its hard to feel sorry for people like him. He comes in at 10am wanting to get tattooed and hes pissed out of his nut so bad that his eyes are glazed and he is dark red from flush. he brings in a lucazade bottle thats full of cider and when hes told he cant get tattooed because he is drunk and to come back when he is sober,he goes down to the pub for a few hours,gets more drunk then comes back to try his luck again.

Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #145 on: November 28, 2009, 12:14:27 PM »
I had to Google to find out what "WKD" is... Surely anybody drinking that amount of alcohol every day would be unable to work for a living, which raises the question of where he gets the money to pay for all that jungle juice. This must be an imprecise calculation but let's have a go: 12 beers - supposing a supermarket 12 pack at around £10, two bottles of cheapest own brand vodka at around £8, that's around £26 so far, even before we costed in the WKD. Jobseeker's allowance is around £60 per week. Possibly he is boastfully exaggerating. Or I suppose keeping his wife & multiple kids short. I expect he has issues. People like that often do. At that rate of consumption he won't make old bones. I would rather talk about yucky things like picking noses or salivating dogs than pass judgement on other peoples life styles, but that's just my own opinion and in no way is intended to be a rebuke or criticism. Honest.

I used to feel that way, too.

Now, however, I have to live over someone like this.  With my three little kids.

And put up with the effing and blinding at stupid o'clock, people pounding on the door at stupid o'clock (looking for drugs, which he deals to top up his ESA).  The blaring music all night long.  

Last Sat./Sun. I was up until 5AM, after the guy and his mates passed out, the CD player was on full volume, skipping over and over the same spot of Lady Gaga's 'Just Dance'.

Thurs. morning at 3AM I had to go pound on the door to tell them to shut the hell up because the noise had woken my 13-month-old son.

He flytips all his rubbish in the communal area, too.  So we have to look at it.

I used to feel sorry for this type of person.

But now, I don't.  I really don't.

At some point in time, people have to take responsibility for themselves.

And when you have to live next to a person like this, you stop feeling sorry.  It makes you incredibly angry that you can't live your decent, MYOB life in relative peace because of tossers like this.

I should add that every other person in this close has kids.  The guy even has kids, whom he's left to teh state to bring up.

There are a pair of 18-year-olds across from him with a newborn baby who are more mature than he is and he's 32!  Yep, they come from equally deprived backgrounds. 

And he's in there acting like a teenager, no respect or consideration for anyone but himself, not even a newborn baby.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 12:21:26 PM by WestHighlandWay »

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #146 on: November 28, 2009, 01:09:28 PM »
And speaking of salivating dogs......

I'm probably gonna get hammered for this but I find the act of letting a dog lick one's mouth extremely revolting.

Regarding that drunk..I doubt seriously he is bragging about the quantities. These sorts can and do consume vast quantities. They have ways and means of getting the money but I have never figured out how. You didn't mention if he was a smoker which only adds to the wonderment of how he raises the cash.
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #147 on: November 28, 2009, 01:34:10 PM »
I'm probably gonna get hammered for this but I find the act of letting a dog lick one's mouth extremely revolting.

Regarding that drunk..I doubt seriously he is bragging about the quantities. These sorts can and do consume vast quantities. They have ways and means of getting the money but I have never figured out how. You didn't mention if he was a smoker which only adds to the wonderment of how he raises the cash.

Like I said, scumbag downstairs, when I went to speak to him about blasting music and effing and blinding and fighting with mates every night (not to mention people hammering on the door at all hours, looking for drugs), offered to sell on any prescription drugs I might have.  He spins extra money by low-level drug dealing.  I also noticed a black balaclava in his living room.  Handy for all sorts of fund-raising endeavours I'm sure.
He also hands over his keys to his alkie and druggy mates to turn the place into a doss house in return for who knows what (probably more drugs and alcohol). 

His pattern is to stay quiet for a couple of days, after a visit from the police or housing association officers, then kick off again.

Can't say I feel sorry for him, nope.  Whatever his background, he's an adult capable of making decisions (and yes, I speak as someone who, six years on, battles post-natal depression that became chronic depression and has struggled with addiction as well).

Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #148 on: December 02, 2009, 03:51:25 PM »
people who stuff their face while  walking down the street

Just watched a guy walk by with a big box of chicken and shoving the food down his throat  [smiley=puke.gif]

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #149 on: December 02, 2009, 04:04:16 PM »

Don't know that this grosses me out but it certainly annoys the hell out of me and that is smackers. People that cannot chew food without smacking. Or gum.

Like I said, scumbag downstairs, when I went to speak to him about blasting music and effing and blinding and fighting with mates every night (not to mention people hammering on the door at all hours, looking for drugs), offered to sell on any prescription drugs I might have.  He spins extra money by low-level drug dealing.  I also noticed a black balaclava in his living room.  Handy for all sorts of fund-raising endeavours I'm sure.
He also hands over his keys to his alkie and druggy mates to turn the place into a doss house in return for who knows what (probably more drugs and alcohol). 

His pattern is to stay quiet for a couple of days, after a visit from the police or housing association officers, then kick off again.

Can't say I feel sorry for him, nope.  Whatever his background, he's an adult capable of making decisions (and yes, I speak as someone who, six years on, battles post-natal depression that became chronic depression and has struggled with addiction as well).

Actually offered to sell on your excess prescribed drugs (if you had them)?? What a brazen head case. I can't believe how low lifes like that seem to always get away with it. My ex had a headcase like that as a neighbour for years. Never seem to spend any time helping with enquires other than the odd 5 minutes at his door. Why or why do we always have to live in a society with such do-gooders that decree we can't violate their human rights or the poor thing had a disadvantaged life. I actually don't blame the police, I blame the courts.

Still tired of coteries and bans. But hanging about anyway.

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