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Topic: Things that gross you out  (Read 16401 times)

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #45 on: November 06, 2009, 04:22:48 PM »
Fine. Give me the red hormone-injected supermarket kind. Under nice, shiny plastic. I never got a tough t-bone or delmonico from Stop&Shop.

Meat that is dry, gray and smells rancid can be as tender as it likes; it's still nasty.

Heh heh, it shouldn't be grey or smell too bad, I'm convinced that's just a dodgy butcher -  I really suggest you call Environmental health! 

The dryness is a point of taste I guess, but there's nothing grosser to me than the water and weird scum that comes out of supermarket meat. I hate that they plump meat up like that :/

I was thinking that the smell might seem stronger to you if you haven't been around a lot of raw meat, I actually really like the smell of a butcher.

Luckily there's plenty of red  supermarket meat in the UK as well :)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 06:27:35 PM by cheesebiscuit »

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2009, 06:13:00 PM »

What grosses me out: 'innit'.
I hate how the brits ask a pointless question that they know you don't have the answer to after every remark.
'When is your sister coming over?'
'She told me 5, didn't she?'
Eventhough I KNOW its part of the language, it sounds so rude and like a putdown.
It isn't necessarily a gross out like people licking communal spoons, but it makes me cringe!

Was totally confused by this when I first met my husband.  I kept answering the question.  Now I do it myself! 

What grosses me out is sitting behind (or next to) someone on the bus who smells really nasty and not wanting to move for fear of embarrassing them.  For three days in a row I ended up right behind the same guy without remembering until I sat down.  Now I keep an eye out for him. 
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2009, 06:52:04 PM »
What grosses me out is sitting behind (or next to) someone on the bus who smells really nasty and not wanting to move for fear of embarrassing them.  For three days in a row I ended up right behind the same guy without remembering until I sat down.  Now I keep an eye out for him. 
That happens a lot. Once DD and I were on a London bus and a very smelly man sat just behind us. We would have moved only there were no other seats together. I pulled out some hand cream which was pretty heavily scented and the two of us sat there slathering it on. It must have been pretty obvious but I don't think people like that notice.
And I've known some smelly people in the US too. One of whom used to complain about people on the subway wearing too much perfume!
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2009, 08:41:32 PM »
And I've known some smelly people in the US too.

Me too. The smelliest person I have ever smelled was a lady I sat behind on an Amtrak train from Albany to NYC. Personally I am more than a bit annoyed at this "Grossout things that Brits do" idea. I have lived in Canada, the USA, the UK, Spain and Luxembourg and I have been "grossed out" by natives of all of those countries.

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2009, 09:47:28 PM »
Nah, I thought it was clear at the beginning of the thread that grossness isn't limited to one part of the world.

If Brits could peer into my kitchen, they'd probably roll their eyes and ask themselves why I'm so gross, trying to cram too much food into my tiny little fridge and letting it all rot.  ::)

I'm not used to this all-natural food yet. Milk's supposed to last a month. Where did all the preservatives go?

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #50 on: November 06, 2009, 10:09:34 PM »
Me too. The smelliest person I have ever smelled was a lady I sat behind on an Amtrak train from Albany to NYC. Personally I am more than a bit annoyed at this "Grossout things that Brits do" idea. I have lived in Canada, the USA, the UK, Spain and Luxembourg and I have been "grossed out" by natives of all of those countries.

One of the great uses of this forum is blowing off steam about the unfamiliar things we encounter as expats without taking it out on our new neighbors and families. I do my best not to be a whining immigrant IRL. I'm grateful for the role UK-Y plays in helping me manage that by allowing me to be undiplomatic about the differences.

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2009, 11:12:32 PM »
What grosses me out is sitting behind (or next to) someone on the bus who smells really nasty and not wanting to move for fear of embarrassing them.  For three days in a row I ended up right behind the same guy without remembering until I sat down.  Now I keep an eye out for him. 

Totally agree. Whats even worse is when the person behind you has really bad breath and is breathing all over you. Especially when it's in the morning. I so badly want to turn around and offer them gum but I just move instead.
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #52 on: November 07, 2009, 01:39:03 PM »
The truly smelly people I  have encountered are smelly because they are homeless and have nowhere to clean themselves and sometimes have no way to get to a bathroom so have defecated in their clothes, so while it grosses me out to the point where I feel like I might vomit, I always feel sorry for them and grateful that I'm not in their position.

Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #53 on: November 07, 2009, 02:32:47 PM »
Nah, I thought it was clear at the beginning of the thread that grossness isn't limited to one part of the world.

What British behavior grosses you out the most?

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #54 on: November 07, 2009, 02:40:28 PM »
Nah, I thought it was clear at the beginning of the thread that grossness isn't limited to one part of the world.

What British behavior grosses you out the most?

I didn't realise the British have a monopoly on gross behaviour. Can we talk about grossness in general?

We're discussing grossness in general now. Catch up. ;)
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #55 on: November 07, 2009, 02:42:19 PM »
I have another thing that grosses me out and it's not even human. My cat makes the loudest noise when she's cleaning herself. She's slurping and licking all over the place and it's very very loud. It grosses me out everytime and I have to kick her out of the room.

If she's doing it in our bedroom in the middle of the night, she actually wakes me up.
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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2009, 12:54:27 PM »
Hi, kinda new to the forum and desperate to chime in here on this one...

I can't believe nobody has mentioned the British method of washing dishes by hand.  Let me summarize:  Fill a dirty sink or dishpan with soapy water in the morning.  Drop dirty, unrinsed dishes into that water all morning (or all day sometimes), wash those dishes in the dirty, cold water they're sitting in, place the dishes, UNRINSED, into dishrack to dry (or towel dry with a dirty tea towel).  This is a truly cringeworthy habit.  And to all my British family members, I'm the weirdo who rinses the soap off the dishes!

Sometimes when at other people's houses, I can taste the soap in the cup/glass I'm drinking from.  It's especially noticable when drinking beer.  Best to skip the glass and drink straight from the bottle or can.

I believe this habit comes from WWII and just stuck.  It would be like us never throwing anything away because that's what our grandparents did (because they grew up during the Depression).  I have read that it's regional, but I'm not so sure.  So far, I have never seen a British person anywhere rinse their dishes.  They don't even rinse on the Fairy liquid advert I just saw the other day!

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2009, 01:01:35 PM »
Hi, kinda new to the forum and desperate to chime in here on this one...

I can't believe nobody has mentioned the British method of washing dishes by hand. 

It's actually been mentioned many times on the forum, just not in this thread! BTW, not all British people wash dishes this way.

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2009, 01:09:47 PM »
I can't believe nobody has mentioned the British method of washing dishes by hand.

Maybe not mentioned on this thread, but there are entire threads here on UK-Y dedicated to this very thing :P!

An an example see here: http://talk.uk-yankee.com/index.php?topic=55722.0 - six whole pages discussing whether or not us Brits rinse our dishes (for the record, I'm a Brit and I don't rinse... never have and neither has anyone else in my family and it's never done us any harm (can't say I've ever noticed a soapy taste on anything though)... didn't even realise that other people did rinse until I joined this forum :P)!

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Re: Things that gross you out
« Reply #59 on: November 21, 2009, 02:32:59 PM »
OK, this one really gets to me. I just think it's so disgusting when people read on the toilet! I obviously have never seen them in action doing this (thank god!) but I've been to peoples houses and go to use the bathroom and there is stacks of magazines and books in there! BARF!

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