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Topic: I want the best of both worlds  (Read 1948 times)

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I want the best of both worlds
« on: July 31, 2004, 09:46:06 PM »

I just thought that I'd write this post because I'm feeling a bit sad.   :(

Last night a friend had a girlie party.  All of us met through our children's school and many of us were on the PTA and have become good friends over the last couple of years.

It really hit me for the first time last night that when we leave for the US, I'm going to be leaving behind some very good friends.  Last night, I actually said final good-byes to some of them and I was quite tearful.   [smiley=sad2.gif]  It was such a fun night with all of the silly, girlie talk and chatter about what's going on the village.

Yet today, I had two calls from the US:  one from my dearest friend and the other my cousin, both with whom I'm very close.  They were calling because we're getting excited about my looming return.  I'M SO TORN!

I wish I could have the best of both worlds.

Sorry to prattle on, but I guess because I'm now embarking on some "final good-byes" I'm just feeling a bit emotional...  :\\\'(  This seemed like a good place talk about it.

"Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens." -
Douglas Jerrold

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Re: I want the best of both worlds
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2004, 12:32:07 AM »
Wow I know just how you feel! Last night I had a goodbye dinner with one of my friends and next week is my last week of work. For the last few years I have worked two jobs this is my big job I ended in May this year. It was teaching at Head Start (a pre-school) and saying bye wasn't too terrible because the children always leave to go to their next stage of life. This job however is with our child care...I spend afterschool with these children and the mornings in the summer. I have been with many of the same children for 3 1/2 years...I am not sure how I will handle saying good-bye. It isnt going to be easy! I am so excited to be heading off and starting this new stage of my life..I just wish there were parts of this life I could take along!

Hang in there.....I know I will (maybe just by a thread at times)

Re: I want the best of both worlds
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2004, 08:29:04 AM »
That must be so hard Kellie.  I know that I would find it really difficult-and to be honest anytime we've talked about it, I've just not wanted to uproot our lives and start all over again somewhere else.  I'd miss my friends, my house, the girls are in good schools.......  I really feel for you.  When is your move?

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Re: I want the best of both worlds
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2004, 10:52:00 AM »
HUG to you! I know that as for my situation (me American, husband engish, great family in both countries) - I'm trying really really hard to consider this move proof that we DO have the bst of both worlds. To have friends on both sides, to always have a warm welcome no matter where we are, to have a loving family and support group despite the continent we choose - - - and we're really trying to look at the move as proof that for the rest of our lives we really can have the best of both worlds, it doesn't matter where our hosue is, both places will be our home. I know I', still a bit away from our move, and when it gets closer and I start saying goodbye to people, I'll be really really upset about it as well, and wish I could move both sides of the family onto some mid-atlantic island. So BIG HUGS to you now while you're going through this!!
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: I want the best of both worlds
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2004, 03:46:11 PM »
Someone once said that once you live abroad, you can never be truly happy in either your home or abroad. Whilst I don't think you can't be"truly" happy, I do think that it is hard because both countries have so many wonderful things the other country doesn't.  Having been back stateside for about four months, I often get a pang of missing something about the UK.  But overall, I know this is the right decision for both of us, and when I feel sad I think of all the American things I missed in the UK and now have ready at my disposal!  One thing that really helped was that when we moved, we had family and friends already buy plane tickets to come visit us.  I think it helped because when we said goodbye it was almost like a "see you later," and the fear that we'd lose touch with everyone was a bit less.  Good luck! 

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Re: I want the best of both worlds
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2004, 08:29:39 PM »
Thanks to everybody for your encouraging words.

I just became very sad when I saw some people for the last time over the weekend.... I didn't think I'd be so unprepared for the goodbyes.

It's nice to know that there's people who understand.   :)

"Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens." -
Douglas Jerrold

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