Most know me and always say the same,'You All Come on Back', 'You All Have A Nice Day','In A Coon's Age', 'Cup Of Joe','High Five','God bless the USA, so large,So friendly, and so rich','The national dish of America is menus','Just what is it that America stands for'?,'Wake Up America','Shoot Low Sheriff'!,'Thats the Cowboy Way'!!!,'That put a quiver in my liver','It came a gullywusher','She jumped on that like a duck on a June bug','down the road apiece','Well, I declare'! and other American phrases!
Okay, a lot of that stuff is just...weird. REALLY weird. "So large, so friendly, so rich?" WTF?
But anyway. It sounds like you've been laughing off this weirdness for years, and I don't think it's rude or aggressive to gently hint that it's gotten old. REALLY old.
Maybe by pointing out how long you've been shopping at X store. "After X years, you guys still think of me as The American?" or pointing out how, err, odd some of those phrases are, "Wow! We really need to get you some current phrases!"
The oddness of the phrases (other than 'have a nice day' and a few others) leads me to think that some gentle redirection is the way to go. That perhaps they're not being jerks and are, instead, just a little...goofy.
Sorry if I've misread. I'd get tired of the schtick after 15 years, too.