Also, different types of onions give off more chemicals then others. Bog standard yellow ones give a huge punch. But lighter shallots and sweet ones are less so.
This is on the same path of refridgeration: Martha Stewart (& Co.) suggests leaving the pealled and halved onions in ice water for about an hour before chopping. It not only cuts down on the crying chemical but also enhances the sweetness... something potentially bitter leeches out... It seems to work.
Come on Martha Stewart- I suppose on the odd occasion that I actually would plan ahead, that would work, but- this is the real world! Onions are being chopped at 8 pm after running working all day, had things to do,and then and had to stop off at tescos to get ingredients for food
Its funny because I chop onions so often with contacts in, that if I'm wearing glasses, I'm like, woah, that sucks. So I try hard to chop them with my contacts in
One time I walked into my mom with tons of tears streaming down her face and I was like really concerned and was like "Mom, Mom what's wrong?" and she laughed and was like "I'm chopping onions!"