Does Ireland have SuperCook/Dr Oertker (sp?) branded stuff? In the little round short containers with the white and red labels? That's where I usually see baking soda, in our shops, on the top shelf of the baking aisle.
Yes, we have that here. There were piles of the baking powder there, but no soda.
I asked my friend in Dublin, she said the big Tesco's and Dunne's have it. I know that does not help, as you have not found it. Sorry 
Thanks. My friend said she got some at a Tesco's in Dundrum, but that is miles away. I have a few other places I can check.
If you're really struggling, I'll post you some.
I've already performed a ranch dressing act of mercy LOL
Thanks for the offer. I SHOULD be able to find some here.
I'm just frustrated because it seems like every meal I've tried to cook lately has been a nightmare because it takes 5 shops to find very basic ingredients (poppy seeds, fresh sage, fresh mint, etc). Yesterday's search for fried onions came up with nothing, then not being able to find baking soda just made me flip!
Thanks everyone for the encouraging words and the offer to send me some! I really appreciate it!