A couple of years ago, the Church of Scotland pulled up the floorboards of the now tiny church a few miles from here at Kilmun to install underfloor heating.
When they did, they found dozens of skeletons, some still wearing what was left of Campbell colours and many with skulls bashed in by blunt instruments. It would appear they were victims of yet another Lamont-Campbell skirmish (generally over resources such as food/cattle).
Adjacent to the church, a daughter of Queen Victoria, Louise, is interred. She was Duchess Argyll and, at long last, her greedy great-great grandson, now Duke Argyll himself, turned over this resting place of his own ancestors, which he was trying to sell to the Church of Scotland for £2m!, so they can give the place the attention it desperately needs, as the damp in there is so bad it is threatening the present church's structure.
In the town there is a massive tree standing on a high hill.
One time, during a revenge attack, Campbells laid seige on Lamonts in Castle Toward. Thirty-six Lamont men left the castle in exchange for what they were promised would be clemency.
Instead, they were all marched to this tree at Dunoon and hanged, one after the other, inside of a day.