Sorry you went through this. As we had stated in earlier posts that you posted, this was always going to be a risk. Your best bet is to get a specific visa to get back into the UK now - you have been flagged and they will be watching what you do. If you try to do the same thing again, they'll do the same think likewise. FLying to Europe and back isn't going to solve the problem. No it isn't fair, but as we've said in countless other posts, it is ALWAYS a risk to assume you can stay in the UK for 6 months on your passport just because it is legal. They don't have to let you in and if they suspect *anything* - - they won't let you in. For instance, if they suspect you'll get married during your stay, they won't let you in because you wouldn't have gone through the right hoops. Ssadly, your options are limited right now. Student visa perhaps, but that would take a long time. Another option is a fiancee visa, but you need to be engaged and they'll want a lot of "proof of relationship". The other option - as much as it sucks - is to continue your long-distance relationship. Continue visiting each other for short trips. Continue getting to know each other, and then seek a fiancee visa later. I know it would break your heart to do it, but like I said before - you've been flagged now, and Immigration won't budge on things like this. All my best to you...