First, congratulations.
Second, I would suggest that your husband go speak with his GP office to let them know that you are coming over. Maybe tell him to bring them a nice Christmas box of chocolates to help him sweet talk the administrators... It is easy to encounter bureaucratic hesitation here... so, some pleasantries are in order (even if he's overwhelmed...)
The GP office will have a midwife (or midwifery group) assigned to them. It would probably be a good idea for your husband to pave the way... especially as there are forms that you could probably have your US doctor fill out [Ask for "NHS Pregnancy Health Record Forms"]--since you've probably been through scans and whatnot, that they would need the information on. And, some of the scans they cannot do at that point anymore.
There are a number of different threads comparing US and UK prenatal care on UK Yankee. I highly suggest you look through them as it will highlight some key differences on prenatal/birthing approaches.
Sorry, I am not in Glasgow. But, there are a few Glasgow-based mums here.