Hey, yeah -- I sure didn't mean for what I said about money to offend anybody! All I know is I've never had any! And I
really won't have money once we've paid all our fees. AND we just got married, too -- done/doing name changes -- all of that. I was only trying to demonstrate common ground, and state that all the common ground I've found on this forum has really helped me and given me some courage when my heart was just about to get overwhelmed!
I also might have been referring to comments made on the many other threads on a similar subject - threads which have made me woefully addicted to this website - where a number of people have volunteered that they didn't have as much money as they would have felt comfortable having in making such a big leap as well as possibly forfeiting the $490 Visa app fee if they were rejected...
And, heartened as I am, I'm still quite scared. So I hope you'll forgive me if I accidentally offended you, the last thing a lowly painter such as myself would ever wish to do is to disparage someone's net worth -- since most people I meet on the street make at least double or triple what I do!
I also really feel for you in being separated from your love. My wife and I actually haven't got to that stage yet, and though we're really excited about the move, we know that it will be very, very difficult. Look for me on a 'depression' thread in September!
Since his wife would qualify for the spousal visa, that means she can't go without him. He's the one with British citizenship, so he needs to be in the UK for her to get her spousal visa. She can't get a spousal visa because she is married to a British man who resides in the US. He needs to be there first, so she can go.
... Thank you Saf! for finally helping me put that in a nutshell. I may start using your answer verbatim to tell people here in the US what I'm trying to do. My mother still thinks I need a work-permit to live there, my dad forgot he was a British Citizen, and everybody wonders why we can't go together! So thank you for your clarity!
I think this would also be as good a place as any for me to say how much I love the UK-Yankee crowd!