Must be an age thing because I go out for meals and a drink all the time. I never just go out drinking.
Well, all of DH's mates in their 30's and 40's just go out drinking (men and women). But, there is only one restaurant in town (brand new), which is a romantic sort of place and then 14 pubs, none of which serve food. So, I guess our village isn't really made for a group dinner and drinks kind of thing. I really envy you, though. I wish I could get together with some of the girls around here to do something besides get completely pissed, but it never seems to be an option. I have a feeling if I tried to get a group together to see a movie or something they would look at me like I was an alien. (Which I am, I guess... lol.) I imagine it would be different if I lived in the city and there were more local options for things to do besides just hitting the pub. Unfortunately, out here, there isn't really anything else to do, so everyone just goes out on the drink (even my MIL and FIL go on a pub crawl every Sat night and they are in their seventies!
But as far as other people buying drinks goes, I've never had this happen to me here. Only two of my SIL's have bought me drinks, and they have always asked what I wanted to have before going to the bar. I think DH's mates are too cheap to buy anyone else a drink!
I was surprised on my birthday, though, that one or two of his friends bought me a pint and just sat it in front of me without my asking, but it certainly didn't seem like a bad thing at the time! I could see how it would get old if it happened all the time, but I would just pass it over to my hubs and let him or one of his friends drink it if I didn't want it.