This struck a few chords with me as well,
I just did a blog post "griping " about some of Englands "lets suffer on" ideals.
One of the comments I received was from a British woman who said
"Despite being raised with all those shortcomings, I so agree with you on all points !
You see it's all about stiff upper lip and all that, we usually find it "soft" to be so pampered or "life made easy".
I think the British pride theirselves with enduring the rough road, it's what has given them their strength these last one thousand years."
You can see the post here: was all in jest BTW)
I haven't really met anyone yet here in England ,but I have spoken to people ,(like, "can you tell me when we get to the train station? do you know if this bus goes to Fareham?")
I have also bawled my head off in front of people (when my cat was put in quarantine) everyone I have talked to has been totally nice , sympathetic and helpful .
I just haven't figured out how to actually meet anyone.
An example: next door to us is a young couple ,probably in their 20's. One day they put a Christmas card through our mail slot. Signed "your next door neighbors"
We have never met them. A couple days later I rang their doorbell ...all balled up ready to introduce myself with a card and a plate of cookies. No answer. I left the plate and the card outside their door.
Still haven't met them ,nor have I gotten my plate back. lol
I have also lived all over America. Some places ,my neighbors became great friends, some places I never even met them .
I also have a library card and have read all I can find about the Blitz and the war and all the history. Ok England, haven't you suffered enough? It's ok to have modern conveniences now.