I can't honestly say that I love the food here. I love the candy, but that is a given.
There are a few things that I do not know how I lived without, the main one being beans on toast!!
I'm a vegetarian and when I was back in the US, I knew which restaurants to go to to get things that I could eat and that I really liked. Same with the grocery store, I would buy certain things ALL the time...but I find that those things aren't available as readily here. ( Like yellow squash...I used to bake it, fry it, make casseroles from it...it was def a dietary staple of mine. I can't find it anywhere now! And black beans...how I miss them.)
I honestly live off of beans on toast, jacket potatoes, and various pasta dishes these days. I used to cook loads of mexican food, and I would substitute black beans for meat in most things. My diet is probably super unhealthy as of late due to my limited recipe ideas.
My son is doing okay, he just likes chicken-anything.
I had even been considering a return to meat eating, until I watched "Kill It, Cook It, Eat It" last night. No way!
I'm sure this is temporary and I will find new foods I like, I just hope I don't get any wierd vitamin deficiencies in the meantime:(
I do love all the cheese here, and trifle...uber-yum!