Well, I've only been here two years so there's no slipping in and out of anything even unconsciously. Never in my wildest imaginings would I ever even *think* to fake an accent. I will always be myself.
This is how I feel. I sometimes wish I could just blend in, believe me, but I am who I am, and I would feel silly if I tried to fake an accent (not to mention, who on earth
could fake the accent they have around here?!
) I do say "HHHerb" instead of "'erb" and "tomahto" instead of "tomayto" and a few words like that and have adjusted to them, but that's really just in an effort to be understood better and not have to repeat myself. And I've picked up some slang, of course, and swapped a few terminologies like car park instead of parking lot. If my accent changes over time (I really do think my R's are softening a bit on their own, maybe) then that's ok, but I can't force it.
However, I think it's a matter of what is most comfortable for you. I doubt people can really tell you are faking an accent if you only said "thanks" or "cheers" or whatnot. It might not sound exactly right and they might realise you aren't from around there anyway, but if they don't know you, they will probably not know the difference.