I saw this on the breakfast morning show today. There was a man representing UKIP, and a woman representing the Muslim women, and they were discussing whether Muslim women should or shouldn't wear their burkas(the veils that cover their faces).
The was a woman who spoke about liking wearing the burka, and how it made her feel good about herself, and all sorts of positive things.
Personally, when I first saw women wearing them in San Diego, I thought, "Oh. What the heck?" Then, I got to know some women who do wear them, and are totally happy wearing them.
The UKIP man said that it was in the interest of security and in the interest of keeping British society undivided. But, the woman interviewed in the story said that it's not a problem removing the veil for security and identification.
I empathise with both sides of the story, but, I think that if a woman wears something, and she's not harming anyone, just going about her daily business and taking care of herself and her family, then, what's the problem?