I've never really thought of it this way...But yeah, I haven't really stayed in one place for too long. Up until I graduated from high school, I had only lived in one house. I know college is quite different from the "real world", but in the past ~4-5 years, I've lived in 5 cities, 2 states, and 2 countries...if I wanted to break it down even further, it includes 2 dorms, 1 apartment, 4 houses, and 2 flats. (These only include places that I've lived for a minimum of 3 consecutive months)
I started rearranging furniture as a child; My mom would walk into my room and always be surprised as to what I had decided to do that weekend. When I moved into the house I'm living in now, my landlord/housemates were amazed at how little I had brought with me. (Just my bed, 2 suitcases, and 2 small duffels--which I thought was a lot!)
I think for me it's just about the adventure of it all. I love to "figure out" my new area, and probably won't settle until I've found one place that has so much to explore that I'll never get bored. I don't think I will fully settle down for another 5-10 years though, which I suppose makes me a nomad. But I think I'll be able to settle once I find a place that truly has "everything"--that old town charm, nearby big green parks, local pubs, good proximity/transport to a major city, without too much of the "big city feel"....