Am I the only one who sat APs and IBs in 11th grade?
Nope. I took AP US history in 11th grade. I actually didn't take any my senior year, the only one I wanted, AP Calculus was cancelled because I was the only who wanted it. I went to a very small school so I think they only had a total of 3 AP classes- AP US history in 11th grade and then AP English, AP Calculus in 12th grade.
AP English. Shudder. No thank you.
I didn't have senioritis though, I tried really hard my senior year of school and had lots of hard classes.
I dunno, I know a lot of kids are mature, but for me, I would have definitely not been able to get away to University at 17, I couldn't even call my 4-H leaders to see if we had a meeting (people I had known for years and years), I couldn't go into a shop and ask for something on the shelves, couldn't call to make a doctor's appointment, etc. That extra year at home, senior year did me a world of good- afterall I moved to the UK by myself!