If you plan on getting out there straight away and starting a job for which you don't need a college education, then I don't see why 12th grade is essential. It's nice that anyone who wants a university education has access to one, but I think there are plenty of really important and useful jobs for which a high school diploma is perfectly satisfactory. And for those jobs, I'm not sure a final year of high school is that relevant.
Well I guess it depends on if not having 12th grade still means they get a high school diploma or not.
Also, I wonder if those schools who don't have 12th grade loose accrediation- which basically screws their students who want to go onto higher schooling - whatever path that is.
I know plenty of people who haven't even graduated high school and they're doing OK- mostly working in the construction, landscaping, manual labour fields. But they do struggle, especially in this economy, where they aren't getting extra work. If that had that piece of paper ,they'd have a better chance .
However, I also know plenty of people with just a high school diploma- and they're doing just great as well. My dad being one of them. In my mind, it’s not about the degrees (it was for me, but its because of what I wanted to learn!), but its about the training. If a kid wants to leave at 16, that’s fine, plenty of people are not cut out for school- but they should get training along the way to make it easier to have better jobs. Some of the best paid jobs- plumbers for example, require lots of traning, but not in the form of academic qualifications.
But ultimately, I just think it’s a shame that a kid who wants to just be a teenager and enjoy themselves would have to leave school and start the real world sooner. The real world is hard enough- that’s why I think it’s better to let them have one more year to just do whatever it is they want to do …