I've never used tax software, but from some of the threads I've read here Turbo Tax has a problem with Form 1040, line 3. This is assuming your trying to file as Married filing separately. Try typing NRA on the blank at the end of line 3. (You have a nonresident alien wife. Mine loves being called that.)
As guya said, your way too early to use Form 2555, The Foreign Income Exclusion. You have several options. You could apply for a special extension of time (Form 2350) in order to qualify, or use Form 1116, or go ahead and file, paying the tax due, and once you qualify for 2555, filing a 1040X and claim your refund. I did it the last way, and it's fine. But then, I'm a Luddite.
Form 1116 is quite useful, although technically challenging. Some file 1116 instead of 2555, especially if their earned income is above $91,400. If you have interest from UK savings, for example, you'll be filing one for passive income anyway. It's main feature is carryover/carryback which can be quite a friend in future years. Filing 1116 with Turbo Tax should be simple, if you choose to go that way. As I said, most file for the extension.