Sounds like there are some great partners out there! I know it must be a tough time for them too, your stories here are so sweet... I have to say, my husband has been really great so far, even when I've been craaaaaazy with the hormones -- I guess pregnancy is good practice for later!
Thanks so much for emphasising that whatever happens it's okay, I find this very reassuring compared to some other advice out there! And thanks for all the links to postnatal groups and such
My friend took the same hospital antenatal course on breastfeeding that I'm supposed to take in a couple weeks, and she said they were so pro-BF that they wouldn't even explain any details of how formula feeding worked -- they just said, don't do it. Eek!
This may be a stupid question, but how strictly do you have to stick to either BF or formula? It sounds like sometimes you can do a mixture of both (eg give formula at night so they sleep better) but is this easy to pull off, or wise to do?
And while everyone's here -- any recommendations for specific breast pumps? Will probably go get one in the next couple weeks...
Thanks ladies!!
Oh and Geeta -- I think I'm a ways ahead of you, right? (I'm 32 weeks now.) I can let you know how long the "no TV" thing lasts after the baby comes...