I wanted to start a foodie thread about the Lunches in the UK, when you head to the cafe and you hear the weirdest combinations of food and the fact that people will wolf it down and then head back to work.
My lunch row here at work consists of a cafe, a chippie and a deli (a very loose description of the word deli). Fridays is my engwish luncheon day and I head to the shops. Loads of people in there from office types to builder and you just hear the grossest combos. Here are a few of mine:
"sausage, chips and beans with loads of vinegar" - from the chippie
"pie, chips and curry sauce" - again, and why do chippies have curry sauce
"full english" -cafe, at lunch time, 1pm fry up
"sausage, bacon, mushroom, egg baguette with mayo" - coworker gets this from the cafe
"cheese mayo salad bap" - deil... that is not a deli sandwich
"tuna and sweetcorn in a jacket" - deli... yes I never will understand this combo