Not that this is a home comfort, but it was a tasty meal for two that I just made and I thought others might like it.
Chicken with Creamy Bacon Penne
1 tbsp of olive oil
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
100g/4 oz of smoked lardons (chopped bacon, I just used regular bacon and chopped it myself)
4 tbsp of white wine
100g/4oz frozen petit pois
5 tbsp of double cream
220g penne pasta
1. Heat the oil in a deep non-stick frying pan add the chicken breasts and scatter with lardons. Leave to cook over high heat for 4 minutes while you gather the other ingredients. Cook penne pasta as indicated on package and drain before you add to the chicken later.
2. Turn the chicken over in the pan, give the lardons a stir, then pour in the wine and let it bubble over high heat until it has virtually evaporated (the chicken took longer to cook than the recipe implied, and I ended up adding extra wine as needed). Now add the peas, cream and penne, season and stir well. Cover the pan and cook for 4 more minutes and cook for 4 minutes or until the chicken is cooked all the way through. Serve straight away.
I think I made sure the chicken was cooked almost all the way through before I added the penne, the cream or the peas which took longer than this seem to imply. Like I said, I just kept adding wine and turning the chicken until it was mostly cooked through and then added everything, cooked it for a further 4 or 5 minutes and served it. We also added some mushrooms which were really good with it. Just double everything if you want 4 chicken breasts. I only used some pepper to season it, no extra salt and that was fine.