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Topic: Can a non-resident purchase a car in the UK?  (Read 11580 times)

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Can a non-resident purchase a car in the UK?
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:07:13 PM »
I have friends who are in a band and tour in the UK frequently, sometimes twice a year for 3-4 months at a time.  A couple of the band members want to purchase a mini-van instead of renting all the time. Does anyone know if this is feasible?  Or would I have to purchase it in my name and add them as drivers?  thanks, barbara

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Re: Can a non-resident purchase a car in the UK?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 05:20:51 PM »
My spontaneous reply would be if they have the cash, why not. On thinking further maybe I'm wrong. They would need an address for insurance and registration. Maybe they could use your residence for an address?

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Re: Can a non-resident purchase a car in the UK?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 06:21:50 PM »
Anyone can buy a car, but the problem is in driving it legally (the MOT and the insurance).  I think they'd have an expensive time getting insurance, as they're not UK residents and presumably don't have a UK license.  But I bet Dennis would know for sure.

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Re: Can a non-resident purchase a car in the UK?
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2010, 11:34:58 AM »
Hi there,

Im not 100 % sure, I think you'd need to do a little more research and finding out at DVLA etc.

There's no problem at all in buying a mini van, that as Geeta says is the easy part. Insuring it, registering it is where the issue lies. None of the people you mention are UK residents, so they'll have no address etc. So that'll immediatley rule out this method. Unless there has been some new way of doing this for temporary visitors.

I'd say right now, it would be best for you to register the vehicle at your address. You don't have to be the registered owner of course, however as they're are non uk residents again, I'm not sure if a registered owner can be a non UK resident. In that case, you have the vehicle all completley in your name, you can then tax and MOT it just like it was your own. When the band come over, you can get insurances that are temporary, ring them up and add them to your policy for the duration of their stay - probably a minimum of one months premium. When they leave, you take the names off.

Of course, I think the financials would mean they pay for everything as you are doing them a favour, but that would work, be legal and means they don't have to hire each time.

Do your homework though, compare the costs of renting with getting a reliable and well maintained minivan in the long term and take it from there. It may just be that renting each time does actually work out better!

Cheers, DtM !west London & Slough UK!

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Re: Can a non-resident purchase a car in the UK?
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2010, 03:32:57 PM »
Hi, thanks for all the replies. Yep, buying the car is the easy part, its all the other stuff that causes problems!  Right now we think we have a solution, someone i know has a car lot/service garage, he is willing to "lend" the guys a van so he would have the insurance,etc. That looks like it might be the most cost effective deal. They ar paying around £1200/month to rent, so i think this other way would save them a bit of money, plus they'll have a bigger vehicle to use. 

thanks again....btw, they are called Hayseed Dixie and they are brilliant, if you ever have a chance to see them, I would highly recommend it!!  xx b

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Re: Can a non-resident purchase a car in the UK?
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2010, 04:27:11 PM »
Hi Barbara G

That sounds like a workable plan, however just remember to bear in mind

1. If the vehicle is 'lent' to the band, how many of the members will be added as additional drivers to his insurance policy?

2. If any of the drivers commit an offence - speeding etc which results in a picture being taken etc, the owner will be liable for the costs/prosecution, until he proves who was driving. I suspect, if the band members are only here for a month or so, and then notice of an offence drops through the letterbox of the owner - he'll become responsible for the issue/fine unless the band member owns up from the USA and pays the fine etc. You might need to speak to a lawyer here as I'm not sure legally what'll happen here. If it turns out, there's no way of enforcing the USA guy to pay up, I strongly suspect the owner won't really 'lend out' his van/camper at all as it could mean within a few days 12 points could be racked up by someone else that 'd be liable for!

3. So far, this all depends on insurance companies willing to insure a non UK license holder and for say 3/4 weeks at a time a few times a year. I'd hazard a guess that the costs won't be too far off what they do now and rent each time they're here.

4. If during their travels something major goes wrong with the vehicle, who'll be responsible fo it's fixing costs? also, will the band members pay part of the Road Fund License to the owner for the time they have it?

Things to ponder it seems!

Cheers, DtM! West London & Slough UK!

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Re: Can a non-resident purchase a car in the UK?
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2010, 07:18:03 AM »
Dennis, just pm'd you,,,xx b

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