I ended up with a Kielland forceps delivery. In the end, I was actually really, really relieved that did the trick and I avoided the c-section! I healed quickly from the episiotomy
(it wasn't very large, fortunately.)
I had a team of very capable and good people around me to get me through it. The sole reason I ended up with the forceps delivery was posterior presentation and them concerned by how tired he was getting (so very nearly was getting him out with pushing but his head was in that sunny side up position and he was getting increasingly exhausted... it ended up being a long... 49 hour labor. If it hadn't gone on so long and if my waters had broken on their own earlier on in the labor, his presentation likely wouldn't have even been a problem. I blame all of this on my bag of waters...)
I won't lie - the pressure was INTENSE. I felt like my skeleton was being pulled out from my skin (sorry!) But luckily, mainly all they did was rotate him into a better position and only pulled once, but they had me continue pushing and didn't yank him out. Two pushes, and he was out. His face had some small little red bruises (seen a little here:
and he had a bruise on his head, but he was totally fine. And the cord was wrapped around his neck TWICE. No wonder he was getting so darn tired.
I wasn't in much pain afterward. I took codeine maybe twice... and that was mainly after I got home and was walking around (I was out walking my town at three days. What sort of crazy person am I?! I thought, "Hey, I feel fine!" and would do some walking all over the place... and later that night I would feel that I maybe made the couple stitches I had a little angry.)
I was very glad to have avoided the c-section. I would have had a lot more to recover from... emotionally AND physically.
My baby was just fine after the forceps delivery, and so was I. Don't be afraid. You may not need to... and if it comes to that, don't expect it to be like any horror stories you may have heard about them.
And I'm also glad that next time, I am not having to attempt a VBAC. Because, in the end, I still had a vaginal delivery. So relieved...
And look at this happy boy!
It's good to research everything, but don't go in the hospital in fear. Just do what you gotta do, momma! Whose to say you won't be able to have a natural birth with an estimated big baby?
Best of luck and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! I am feeling a little nostalgic already!