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Topic: Low Carbin' It  (Read 2047 times)

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Re: Low Carbin' It
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2010, 10:36:47 AM »
Definitely it becomes the opposite once you get over induction flu.  The only problems I have once I am adjusted to ketosis (after a week or so on low enough carbs) is when I am doing a long walk (several hours) or doing something over the period of several hours non-stop (like cleaning the house).  If I don't stop and have a snack, I sort of bottom out.

I think the problem is that people get a lot of mixed messages about low carb diets from people trying to sell a new take on it or sell some frankenfood products.  I think KISS is the best approach.  My advice:

-Leftovers for breakfast if you can't stand eggs.  The idea that there are "breakfast foods" is cultural.  Nuts and low carb fruit (berries, some melon) is also a good option.  If you can tolerate flax, flax muffins are quick and easy.  Google "revolution" or "oopsie rolls" for another bread substitute.

-Read a book.  I really suggest one of the older Atkin books, but there are others out there that are really good. One focused on UK foods is "The Idiot Proof Diet" written by India Knight and Neris Thomas. [Edit: they also have an excellent low carb cookbook.  Some incredible recipes in it, and both books are really cheap].  At first you should really try to follow a plan rather than patch things together.  You can always experiment later.  

-Eat a salad every day.  Learn to make your own dressings.

-Don't skimp on fat.  South Beach is low fat, so I guess if you're following that, ignore this bit of advice, but almost all other low carb diets are high fat, and there are numerous reasons for the advocates of low carb to press for high fat (generally).  Plus, you won't need so much stuff like flax or psyllium if you eat enough fat (and are careful with the dairy).

-make as much as possible from scratch, but it doesn't need to be complicated.

-Eat when you are hungry.  Don't eat when you are not.

-if you're doing something for a long period of time, bring a snack

-Try new things.

I am back on low carb (well I have been for a few months) after trying low GI vegetarian.  What I was finding was that I wasn't just eating low GI, but was eating really near ketosis levels of carbs naturally when I was making an effort to lose weight.  If I am not careful with my sugars (by sugars I mean carbs and not just the white refined stuff), I eat more.  The problem was, I wasn't getting much nutrition, and when I figured out my calorie intake, it was way too low to be healthy.

I don't know if low carb is for everyone, but I do know that a lot of the resistance is cultural rather than physiological.  I am not going to downplay the importance of the food/culture connection as I think that that has been my problem following through the final push to get to a normal weight range after maintaining a weight loss that is essentially a person in amount.  I've lost a person and still fat.  I guess I could be discouraged by that, but you know, I think I am just going.

Good luck to those who are going to try it out.

ETA: The reason your energy bottoms out, btw, is your body is basically switching from using dietary sugar for fuels to converting protein and fat to fuel.  It's a totally different way of doing things, and is less efficient, so no, you will never get a "sugar rush" when eating low carbs.  However, after your body gets used to it, you definitely have more energy and less fog than eating conventionally.

I am going to probably write something more about this in Shrinkers.  It's a little personal to get into too much out here.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 11:04:22 AM by Legs Akimbo »

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Re: Low Carbin' It
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2010, 02:41:24 PM »
Yeah, I certainly don't knock anyone for going low carb, as I said, it really works for some people. The Atkins diet was simple enough for my friend to follow and he lost loads of weight and learned how to control his weight (though now he is a vegetarian because all the meat he ate over several years was grossing him out! Though I think he still eats pretty low carb.) I do think most people eat far too much sugar and "bad carbs" and for some people, I think the best way to break that habit is to go without completely for a while and then add some healthy stuff back in. I don't really have that much weight to lose (maybe 10-15 more pounds or so) and I did follow some advice of cutting way back on sugar and swapping a lot of white, processed foods for whole grains and fiber-rich foods to keep me full longer. It helps a lot. Plus I drink some fiber supplements (Fybogel) which helps me eat WAY less. I drink a big glass of water with a packet of that mixed in 30 minutes before some of my meals and it really makes me feel full so I don't eat as much. I am getting around 1300 calories per day, on average, which is good for me and is just enough. I think the idea of calorie cycling is pretty interesting and might try that out one day to speed up my metabolism.

I knew a body builder once who would deplete carbs for a week or two, then eat carbs for a week or two (only good ones) and then deplete again. That seemed to work to help her get muscley before a competition, but I have no idea what the purpose of it is. I guess it must speed up metabolism or something?

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Re: Low Carbin' It
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2010, 05:32:23 PM »
...then one day you wake up and it's like the sun has come out, you have about 10x more energy than you did and you feel bright and happy.

I've heard testimonials of people who went vegan saying the same!

I don't know - sometimes I try to reduce my carbs, and I really try to stick to whole grains & fruit etc for the most part (avoiding white bread & if we could just stop having sooooo many potatoes which DH buys - gaaaah!  I always have him finish mine.).  I probably just eat too much, love chocolate too much, & I need to get out & walk more.  I lost so much fitness in the year after I hurt my knee and then my mom died, and the long year of mostly eating & sleeping ensued.  :-\\\\  Have put on 20 pounds from a reduced weight that I maintained for a few years over here.  I really struggled on a 6 mile walk when we were in Cornwall, having to quit at 4 miles.  Granted, it was kind of a hard walk (lots of ups and downs) but still...
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in...

- from Anthem, by Leonard Cohen (b 1934)

Re: Low Carbin' It
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2010, 06:38:55 PM »
I've heard testimonials of people who went vegan saying the same!

I don't know - sometimes I try to reduce my carbs, and I really try to stick to whole grains & fruit etc for the most part (avoiding white bread & if we could just stop having sooooo many potatoes which DH buys - gaaaah!  I always have him finish mine.).  I probably just eat too much, love chocolate too much, & I need to get out & walk more.  I lost so much fitness in the year after I hurt my knee and then my mom died, and the long year of mostly eating & sleeping ensued.  :-\\\\  Have put on 20 pounds from a reduced weight that I maintained for a few years over here.  I really struggled on a 6 mile walk when we were in Cornwall, having to quit at 4 miles.  Granted, it was kind of a hard walk (lots of ups and downs) but still...

Sounds like you had enough on your plate just dealing with life, let alone worrying about your weight.

I've eased off on the low-LOW carb thing at the moment and am doing around 50grms a day to conserve through a very stressful period (I have gained a bit back) and when this game is in a box and I'm now working 80+ hours a week, I'll go on a carb detox :)

Here's what I try to stick to normally - I stop losing weight at about 30 grams a day.


Re: Low Carbin' It
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2010, 07:31:14 PM »
Re The Mail link: Isn't that how Atkins has been since the '90s?  I know people think it was only bacon wrapped in cheese, but how is that "new" in reality?  That's how the diet is and has been for a while!

Re: Low Carbin' It
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2010, 07:52:41 PM »
Re The Mail link: Isn't that how Atkins has been since the '90s?  I know people think it was only bacon wrapped in cheese, but how is that "new" in reality?  That's how the diet is and has been for a while!

I don't think it's new at all, it's the same Atkins I've always done! I just googled and thought it explained a lot of Atkins stuff and had meal ideas and examples of how I normally eat on Atkins. I don't think it's that hard to follow at all, more difficult when I'm away from home but when at home there's lots of variety, I don't eat 10 eggs a day and nothing but steaks with butter on them.

I snack on some nuts or olives, make a low carb guac or something. 

Have big salads (interesting ones with fennel, endives etc) with grilled meats and extra veggies, great scrambles etc for breakfast, creamed spinach, chicken parmigiana, curries, etc :)

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