I've been reading lately about the evils of dairy...and to tell you the truth, when you think objectively about the wisdom of consuming the breast milk (if you can call it that) of another SPECIES--well, it is a rather vile concept.
Read this:
'Cow's milk was never designed for human consumption. Think about it. Cow's milk was designed for a calf--not a human! I know we have been completely conditioned to believe otherwise, but if we can be at home to Mr. Common Sense for just a minute it should become crystal clear that not only was cow's milk not designed for human consumption, but as an adult mammal, we should not be drinking any kind of milk. We are the only adult mammals who drink milk after weaning age--even cows don't drink milk. Do you honestly believe that you would ever, no matter how thirsty you were, jump over a fence, kneel down and start sucking on a cow's udder? Would anyone in their right mind do this? What would you think if you were driving along and saw a family of four in a field, all under a cow sucking milk from it? Would you think, 'How natural, how wholesome'? Or would you pick up your mobile and phone the police?
'We have been taught all our lives that cow's milk was as natural and as normal for humans to eat as fruit. In fact, it became compulsory to have in schools. "Good for the bones", "Excellent for your teeth" was and is the cry of doctors and teachers alike. No wonder most people are under the misapprehension that the milk from cows is a good source of calcium and an excellent protein. What they don't explain is that the protein found in cow's milk is chemically bound to the calcium. In order to digest this and utilize the portein and calcium we need two digestive enzymes--rennin and lactase. Rennin and lactase help to separate the calcium and protein in order for the body to benefit from its goodness. However, and this is a big however, after the age of three we stop producing the enzyme rennin and most people lose the ability to prduce lactase--hence so many 'lactose intolerant' people. We were designed to drink milk, of course, but this was only as babies and only our own species' milk in an unpasteurized form. What we are not meant to have is pasteurized (dead) milk which was designed for a species with four stomachs.' --Jason Vale
Well, that got me thinking. And I've been familiar for years with the website
www.notmilk.com. Which I advise you, is not for the faint-hearted.
Anyway, all this to say that I have been toying with the idea of going dairy-free, have whittled my dairy consumption down to a couple tablespoons a day in my morning coffee, and will probably be phasing that out soon. I've reduced my processed food intake dramatically and so don't have to worry about the milk that might appear there.
Here's the question: Who else is dairy-free? How long have you been? What tips do you have for me??