I'm sure you don't darlin'! I was just thinking of what I would have been eating if I had grown up in Iowa near all my family from there. They do eat pretty bland stuff... though all fresh off the farm.
Well that's just the thing, isn't it? Once you add all the spices one wants to or can add, it begins to overpower that which you're adding them to, doesn't it?
I read somewhere that those who can't tolerate lots of heat in their food actually have more developed taste buds than those who can... So I'm just better than all of you anyway!!

I think there's definitely something to that. I noticed that when I was eating a lot of processed sugar stuffs, if I were to then eat something like grapes or kiwi, it tasted tart and sour. But when I stopped eating processed sugar and just ate fruit, the fruit then became sweet.
I definitely think with the way people eat these days desensitises a person's sense of taste sometimes. How many people do you know who would eat a simple raw carrot and say it was yummy? Most folks wouldn't dream of eating a carrot without something on it. But it gets to the point where one is having a little carrot with their dip, dressing, spice, whatever rather than using the condiment to enhance the flavour of the actual vegetable.
Just a thought or two really.