I can't really convince myself to spend £3 on a small container of blueberries when they aren't on sale, but I found a pack at the Co-Op on markdown for 87p last week and ate the container in two days with my morning cereal. I often find the 2-fer deals on fruit and veg to be an utter rip off, as its hard to eat 2 packages of oranges or grapes or what have you in a week (at least for me, since DH doesn't eat much fruit) so I try to just buy one, even if it sounds like a good deal to get 2. I guess that would be okay if you froze fruit more often than I do. I really should start doing that when berries and bananas and things are on sale and use them for smoothies. I get bags of apples when they are on sale because they tend to last for quite a while. And I know it is expensive, but they had mangoes on sale at Sainsburys 2 for £2.50 (they were enormous ones, at least) and I bought two. I have no regrets as they were maybe the tastiest mangoes I had ever eaten, or maybe it just seemed that way because it had been so long since I had eaten one! I look at it as a special treat, though, rather than a weekly purchase. Typically, I just try to get the smaller packages of fruit that I know I can eat quickly.