Can you think of any benefit (aside from the tax breaks you would get) to giving up your American citizenship?
I don’t want to give up my US citizenship. I have accounts in the States, and I don’t mind at all paying tax on the interest they generate to Uncle Sam. I really don’t like tax-dodgers anywhere.
I also remember in 2002/2003(?) when the US was on an “AMT rampage”. I ended up paying a lot of tax (for me) because you were only allowed 90% of your limitation on the 1116AMT at that time. My (NRA) spouse no longer allows me to discuss US taxes in the house after my eruption over that one.
Historically, the courts determined that the US had the right to tax citizens abroad (it’s been contested before) due to the benefits they receive from the US for “protection” provided to them whilst they are there. It’s nice to be able to go up to London for a new passport, the Federal Benefits Unit, etc. But if Luxemburg decides to invade the Midlands, it will be the UK Forces that protect my house, not the US Embassy. If a pothole needs fixing in the road in front of my house, it will be the local council that fixes it, not the US Embassy. If my house catches alight, ….you get the picture. If I can not decipher the linguistic maze of correctly filling in my US tax form for income I’m quite willing to declare, the IRS generously allows me to call internationally to Philadelphia and receive advice which the IRS itself admits could be incorrect. The tax information also points out that if I don’t do it correctly, the penalties could be severe.
I take a very deep breath every year as I drop into a pillar box all the intimate details about me and my finances, the data of which I’m advised by the Treasury, can be shared with any “authorised” organization anywhere in the world. It will never be misused. I seem to remember a government agency CD or 2, or a laptop, that went missing a few years ago with several millions of UK individual’s details on them. Of course, that was the UK not the US, and we’ve never heard of it happening in the US.
Sorry, I’m not a happy bunny. I feel sorry for the IRS (!), who encourages non-filers to get back into the system, but who now are required to tell the non-filer they will be walloped if they do. Passport…..maybe not yet. But it draws closer with every piece of new “let’s tax those obviously tax-dodging American easy targets abroad” legislation.
So, yes. I can think of a few benefits.