I stayed right in the city centre, and it was wonderful. He took me to the Arndale, Trafford Centre, Wigan, Ashton in Makerfield, Bolton, Salford, and one day we went down to London. It was amazing. We watched a movie at the Odeon, we shopped, we ate out, he took me to Tesco and Morrisons (what little pleasures), and I loved every single minute of it. I tried pasties, and tea cakes (omg so yummy). I didnt get to try gammon (like we planned), and I met his mom for the first time! She said she felt like she had known me for years and could talk to me like i was her daughter. I was going to meet his sister but she was ill.
I am so unhappy here, but my fiance and I think that me booking my flight in July, and getting that sorted and me starting to sell my things will help make it feel like its happening and make me feel better.
So thats what I guess I will have to do - start selling my things on Craigslist and yard sales etc, and soem stuff Id like to ship over (gotta figure out how to do that), and plan my trip in July...July isnt long but it seems like it. I was thinking of making it over July 4th, but flights are outrageous priced so maybe end of June? Have to look into it.
Its so hard being apart.