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Topic: Help re: surrendering green card to return to US  (Read 1561 times)

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Help re: surrendering green card to return to US
« on: April 30, 2010, 07:38:07 AM »
I am a UK citizen living in the UK with my Husband and son, who are both US citizens. I was married to my husband in 2000 in the US and lived there as a permanent resident until August, 2008 when we moved to the UK for my husbands work. After a year and a half, my husbands company laid him off and we now would like to return to the US.

The problem is that I have been out of the US over 1 year and did not file any paperwork with the US home security to say we would be returning. I am told that I will have to re-file as a new immigrant [...]

My wife and I are in exactly the same boat (met and married in the US, moved to the UK for my work about 3 years ago, and now wish to return, but can no longer enter as her green card is no longer considered valid because she's been out of the country too long). 

Has anyone with a green card who has stayed out of the US too long gone through this process? 

Do we need to file an I-407 first to surrender the old green card, or can we simply file the I-130 (and subsequent paperwork)? 

Does anyone know if, when filing the I-130, you're supposed to put your spouses existing green card number in field 10. Alien Registration Number (even though we are presumably applying for a new one)?

Many thanks to anyone who can lend some insight.  This is all very confusing.

Help re: surrendering green card to return to US
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2010, 07:46:27 AM »
You may find more assistance on BritishExpats forum: http://britishexpats.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=35

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Re: Help re: surrendering green card to return to US
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2010, 08:10:42 AM »
Hi jms. I've split this into a new topic, sometimes if a question gets asked at the bottom of another topic it is hard for people to find and answer. I hope you get the help that you nees. :)
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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