as a first time mom, i hope i can offer some advice to you as well as the others here. Calvin's now nearly 2 months old and its only been for about the last 3 weeks that we have really settled into the whole breastfeeding routine together. i had difficulties getting him to latch on properly in the beginning and suffered sore (but not cracked, luckily!) nipples. i asked my midwife several times to come around and help me. once you have proper latching on and you can get her on with no troubles, it will get easier! (a lot easier!) if she latches on and it hurts, break her suction gently with your small finger and reattach her.
if you are not comfortable going topless, you can get nursing pads to put inside your bra and not only do they absorb any milk that may leak, they also protect your nipples from rubbing against your bra. (most chemists/grocery stores sell them.) i was also advised not to use soap on my breasts while showering as it can wash away some of the protective oils on the breast. also, you may want to try different holding positions while feeding Hope, finding a position that worked well for me and Calvin make a lot of difference. make sure you are comfortable before you feed her, i spent quite a few times with a sore back because i was not comfortable before feeding Calvin.
going on the guidance i have been given, let her feed as long as she wants on one side (most babies will 'come off' when they are done) with time and practice you'll know when she has emptied one breast and then if she still seems hungry, move her to the other side. the problem i would see with letting her feed one side for 10 minutes is that in the time, the baby might only get the foremilk and no hindmilk and she might very well be hungry again very soon.
i hope your have a midwife &/or health visitor that are willing to help you all they can. i was shy to call them a few times and ask them to come to the house, but don't be! they will come by daily if you need the help.
your determination will help you to keep it up and stick with it, and trust me, the nights when you cry in frustration will end
hang in there and best of luck to you and Hope.