Hello everyone,
Not having visited the U.K. as of yet, I am curious as to whether I'll see more pregnant women who smoke over there when visiting in October. I will say this: if U.K. women smoke to excess, I think U.S. women are just as guilty of overeating over here during pregnancy. I'm amazed at all the hype about smoking and other health issues, yet very little emphasis is placed on proper eating portions. Constantly indulging all those "cravings" for sugar and fat can add up to tons of extra weight, leading to elevated blood pressure (PIH, pre-eclampsia) or to gestational diabetes. I think poor nutrition is the main reason why the U.S. still lags behind the U.K. in terms of infant mortality rates. The U.K. has approx. 5.2 deaths per 1,000 live births, while the U.S.'s is 7.6 per 1,000. And, the U.S.'s rate is increasing.
Anyway--as far as smoking during pregnancy is concerned, the only woman I've ever known to smoke throughout her pregnancy is my sister-in-law. She is heavy smoker, and tried cutting back, but was unable to completely quit during her second pregnancy. She delivered him 3 weeks early after a few hours of labor--he weighed 8 lbs, 14 ounces. She's normally 5'3" and 110 lbs, soaking wet. So you can imagine, this was a BIG baby for her. I teased her, saying she didn't smoke enough!
I personally hope that the U.K. doesn't change its attitude about pregnancy being a normal course of events, and not a sickness. I think overall, the U.K.'s system is better than the U.S.'s just based on this alone. I can't tell you how sick and tired I am of the B.S. women over here have to put up with in regards to OB/Gyn's and their ridiculous heavy-handed management of labor. Over 60% of all women still receive gratuitous episiotomies here, and soon, 1 out of every 3 women will be sectioned. It's just infuriating to me, and it makes me think that the violence of society at large has reached to every level--even birth, itself. Sad.