There will good days and bad days. The important thing is to think of this as an adventure and make your bad days into learning experiences. Don't be afraid to ask questions, maybe it's where i live, but people are happy to help and I've not been given duff information yet.
Very well said, Pengi, all of it. I first read this post yesterday, and I will admit at first it had me a bit rattled.
Then I cleared my head and thought it through. My fiance has always been loving, supportive, and patient. He knows I will have to relearn a lot of things, and that he will have to "hold my hand" a lot at first. He's not the kind of guy that would get angry at me for that. He knows I am a strong gal, and I will be fine on my own once I get settled.
And as for me, well, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a bit nervous. But not so nervous I will be too scared to do things on my own. I fully intend to get bus schedules and venture out on my own, especially while we are unmarried and I'll be unable to work. I'm sure I'll get lost, turned around or confused at some point. And that's when I'll remember what my mama always told me...
"People like to help." I mean, generally, that really is true. Of course, you will run into some sour apples, or people who may turn their nose up at you because you're a "yankee," but all in all, most people feel good helping others.
Not to demean what the OP is saying, and I am sorry that happened to her. But I can control how I view the situation, and though this journey to being a Brit is a bit scary, I'm excited and ready to learn.