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Topic: School Ages  (Read 2364 times)

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Re: School Ages
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2010, 08:27:47 AM »
I am so nervous about all this school stuff.  My new worry is about my six year old....As we get closer to our move date I begin to panic more often, but new school is making my kids anxious so I really need to understand to help soothe them.
Being a former educator I have learned that with small children especially it's the vibe that the parents give off that really upsets children not the fact that they're changing schools...kids are resilient and they adapt to change easily. It's adults that panic and obsess over it.

The fact is that they'll be switching schools and environments, focus on making that a positive experience and an exciting one rather than a negative, dreadful, terror that panics you. Because if you behave in that manner your kids will as well.

Change the way you're thinking about this. Is your panic and obsessing going to change anything? No. So find the positives in the situation. Focus on the adventure and those positives and you'll find that your children do the same.

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Re: School Ages
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2010, 03:33:35 AM »
Thanks for the advice and information.  I really really appreciate the info from ksand24!  This really eased my mind.  Thank you all so much for taking the time and energy to help a frantic mom!  I didn't understand the grade equivalencies.  Now if I can just find a flat with great surrounding schools that will let our dog move in all will be good.   ;)

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