For the record, I am in no way related to Nick Robinson - my surname isn't even Robinson, btw!

I thought he was looking a bit overly keen for Cameron too.
I agree that Labour needs a regrouping - will be interested to see what happens with the party now. LA, appreciate your well considered commentary on the rambles I rambled on about.
From my reading of events thus far, it doesn't look like the PR thing is going to fly at all, except maybe in an elected House of Lords?
On the Iraq war, I do think the Tories would have supported Bush just as much, if not more so than Blair did. There were already such close ties there going back to Thatcher/Reagan.
Asylum seeker children in detention centres - agree very bad. I hope whatever they are planning to do now will see that the families are kept together, out of detention centres. It would also be nice if asylum seekers were permitted to work while their cases are being reviewed - many of them want to in order to show their commitment & contribution to this society. However, as they are neither allowed to work nor claim benefits, they are forced into the most unimaginable destitution, IMO. Of course, allowing them to work (OMG - immigrants taking our jobs!) won't make good headlines for any of the parties.
Media-wise I was talking about the TV stuff, not the newspapers really - I know they (newspapers) are mostly biased in well understood ways already.
The posh thing - I don't think it's unreasonable for people to wish for political representatives that understand something about (and empathise with) how ordinary people's lives are. Sadly, I think most politicians are really far out of touch with everyday folks (and I think Gordon Brown was out of touch on this as well). And I would say that Tories in general are probably among the furthest out of touch with the poorest & most vulnerable members of society. Just because Cameron once met a black man, once met an immigrant or a woman or whatever...well, I don't think he really understands diddly on a lot of scores no matter how fabulous his educational background is.
A friend here is really worried about losing her counselling job at a drug addiction rehab place, due to expected funding cuts & (not sure if it's one or both) Cameron/Clegg apparently think that addicts ought to be able to sort themselves out in a max of 3 months, or...

? Not sure what. Maybe if you can afford to check yourself into The Priory, which are certainly not the kind of clientele she helps.