For the past two and a half years, I've dated a girl (she is 26 and I am 29) who lives in the same city I work in. I commute to this city approx 40 miles each way daily on the train. When I first met her I lived in this city and told her I would be moving back with my parents for 6 months to save money but would move back afterward. Unfortunately, the economy started to deteriorate and the company that owns my company eventually went bankrupt. After this, there were several rounds of layoffs that I survived. However, I was still wary that the economy (and more specifically, the financial services industry) was still in an unstable state and decided to continue to live rent free in suburbs with my parents to establish a sufficient cash cushion instead of moving to the city I work in/she lives in.
At this point, she has lost trust in my word (boy who cried wolf syndrome) since I have told her several times that I would move back and have not yet. When I do see her, I usually, have to stay at her place (she lives with her sister) for longer periods (many hours or a whole day as opposed to a few hours if I lived closer). She is perceiving me as using her to get the "best of both worlds" by living rent free and taking advantage of her place to sleep sometimes and quickly commute to work. I do support her emotionally, take her out to eat fairly regularly, buy her flowers/gifts occasionally and just generally there for her. We both are bored in the bedroom except when we take trips to other cities.
Our relationship over the past few months has been getting worse. She recently booked a trip to Cancun with her sister without telling me. She did tell me she wanted to go on a vacation this summer, but one day she asked me to watch her place and I ask her why her sister couldn't do it. Then she tells me she and her sister booked a trip. I think it's pretty cold for someone to not tell their boyfriend/girlfriend before booking a trip out of the country...even if it is with their sister. I trust her and she was with her sister the entire time, so I wasn't worried that she would be with someone else, but the fact that she didn't tell me before booking irked me. Then she said after the fact, "you can come if you want"...all I could think was who wants to be an afterthought? I declined. She also asked "why do I have to run things by you before I book a trip"...seems basic in a relationship, I'm never controlling with her, so I don't understand this behavior...seems like common relationship courtesy to me. I booked a trip to Vegas last June for my cousin I hadn't seen in 13yrs' birthday party. She knew exactly when I was going...I think she did the Mexico trip to somehow get back at me for Vegas.
Sorry for rambling, but my company recently offered me a transfer to a London company making 63K GBP asking for a 2 year commitment. I have always wanted to travel the world since I was young (only been to Mexico so far), but at this point I'm not sure what to do about my girlfriend. I love her, but her affection towards me is waning, mainly because I don't live close to her and I have been saying for nearly three years that I would (I was actively looking for apartments in her city...nearly signing a new lease the week before my job offer). I would gladly take her with me, but she started a new job less than a year ago and has 2 semesters left to finish her Masters degree.
I'm wondering whether I should
1) break it off and go,
2) decline the job offer and move to the city I work in/she lives in or
3) go and try to brave the treacherous world of the long distance relationship and hope that it lasts until she is done with her Masters and potentially move back here.
When I first told her about the opportunity, she said it was great opportunity and if she got a similar one, she would probably take it.
Your thoughts/experiences?