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Topic: Fergi  (Read 1205 times)

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« on: May 24, 2010, 12:09:34 AM »
The Duchess of York...
I don't get it.
I know she has problems but I don't understand why her divorce settlement is only £15,000 per year. How is she able to keep herself in shoes at that rate? ;)
Seriously, the Prince must have a good legal team for her to have only got him for that much.
In the video clip I just saw were she is apparently negotiating for a fee for access to the Prince she looks like a 'tart' smoking her fag. No class.
Did I miss something?

Re: Fergi
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 03:45:25 AM »
Fergie has always had the reputation of being, well, a bit "common", or (depending on your point of view) refreshingly informal. I blame the Queen for letting things get to this state. The poor woman needs money; 15 grand is nothing these days - that settlement level was asking for trouble, and now as James Whitaker says in the Guardian, the Windsors have got it. They decided to punish her for the behaviour which led to the divorce (the toe-sucking adultery scandal, plus other sordid stuff).

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