OK, here's my thing. I have made the conscious decision to keep my 2 and 4 year old boys away from certain cartoons and 'characters'. My kids pretty much are happy to discover things on their own. They did this with Cars, they did it with some of the Disney movies, etc. I didn't want to introduce them to Batman and Spiderman until later. I don't really know why, except to say I just felt like that was 'older kid' stuff. But if the t-shirts and all that are anything to go by, I'm obviously missing something. There's certainly plenty of Spiderman tees and pjs and all sorts for 2 year olds, let alone 4 year olds.
TBH, I'm not even sure what boys who like this are watching. My kids watch Nick Jr, Disney, and Children's Public Television. Where are the superhero cartoons showing? They aren't on those channels (yes, I'm in the US).
I know I'm rambling a bit, but am I being silly? My kids love cars, trucks, trains, and animals. I guess I feel like once they get into the superheros, all that will fade away. It's been years since I watched any of the superhero stuff, so maybe it's not as violent or 'big kid' as I think it is? I'm thinking age 5 or 6?
Anyway, do you think I'm just prolonging the inevitable, and that it's ok for their ages, or is it ok to be a bit stubborn about this? The only reason I'm even thinking about this is because someone bought them some Batman dishes and Spiderman tees and I suddenly realized I didn't know enough about the shows like I do the other onces they watch!