Hi there,
Katrinacov - I'd disagree with the mentioning of 'absolutley not recommending' that you drive here - I think it all comes down to your confidence level - as mentioned already.
I've done the opposite - first time I drove in the USA, I got off a plane in NYC, picked up a rental car and driven to my various friends and relatives in Manhattan, Queens and Long Island. I was apprehensive to an extent, but seeing as I'm bit of a Petrolhead, I was used to it very quickly!
Grynch - I know the the roundabout with the 5 or 7 satellite roundabouts around it! used to drive through it almost everyday for a little while! and yes, it is confusing and I can only imagine to someone not used to a normal roundabout, seeing this thing would really freak them out!
Peacemaker - care to explain what you mean by having a serious accident you can do 'hard time'?! I'm a bit lost on that !
cheers, DtM! West London & Slough UK!