now that streetview has mapped most of Britain.. would you care to share any images from around where you live?
I'm kinda new to these parts ( this forum ) and as I said in my intro I don't actually live in England but my wife is English and we have a house in Cornwall and were married here...,+Cornwall,+United+Kingdom&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&cd=1&geocode=FdmTAgMdjtu7_w&split=0&sll=46.362093,9.036255&sspn=3.08187,6.432495&hq=&hnear=Saint+Cleer,+Liskeard,+Cornwall,+United+Kingdom&ll=50.486615,-4.472128&spn=0.001128,0.003138&z=19&layer=c&cbll=50.486565,-4.471995&panoid=rjudrtwanf4iapzbdo5Swg&cbp=12,36.61,,0,-0.15