I thought it was a good article, although I agree with the earlier posts about men caring about their appearance more than was implied in the article - as an example, my 19-year-old brother is about to fly out to the US to work at a summer camp and he's desperately trying to bulk up a bit ready for it... lots of sit-ups and drinking of protein shakes, lol. He's not out of shape by any means, but he's tall and a bit lanky (and it probably doesn't help that his older brother is a gymnast and is very muscular!).
In terms of my own body image, I don't find that the things he mentioned in the article (airbrushed photos, adverts, feeling 'fat', cosmetic surgery etc.) really bother me all that much. Sure, there are things about my body that I'm not so keen on (I have slightly wobbly underarms, my thighs could do with a tone-up and I'm a little fuller in the hips than I'd like), but at the same time, I know I'm a healthy weight for my height and body shape. I'm not fat, but I'm not stick-thin either; my boobs aren't massive, but I'm a decent B/C-cup (depending on what band size I buy) and I wouldn't want to go any bigger (I used to want them to be a bit smaller because as a teenager I wanted to be a ballet dancer but my bum and boobs were too big for it
I really hate the way that the media is influencing women in regards to body image though. I work in a pharmacy that has several beauty counters too (Clinique, Estee Lauder etc.) and the girls who work on the counters are obsessed with looks and gossip magazines. Recent conversations that have been overheard in the canteen at lunch include:
- How to date a footballer (one of the girls is apparently dating one)
- When they want their boobs done (they seem to think they'll be sagging by their mid-20's)
- Whether they are wearing enough fake tan (most of them are already bright orange!)
One conversation the other day actually went along the lines of:
Beauty Girl 1 (aged about 20): I really wanted to be on Big Brother, but it's too late now because it's finishing this year. I was going to apply, but I couldn't because I hadn't had my boobs done yet.
A slight pause, then...
Beauty Girl 1: Only 10 weeks to go now
Beauty Girl 2: 10 weeks until what?
Beauty Girl 1: Until I get my boobs done
I can barely stand to listen to some of their conversations because it makes me feel sad that they don't seem capable of talking about anything intellectual or real