You are a beautiful person!!! You're more than your weight, you're more than a number on your pants. People are just mean and stupid and spiteful. If its not your weight, they'll pick on your hair colour or you clothing style or the way you pronounce your T's or whatever. People are just stupid. You're beautiful and amazing and a wonderful person and don't forget that.
All of these things I have found to have truth and I have had health ups and downs like Mrs R.
Agree with all these too!
I've been in the morbidly obese category for most of my life and have struggled losing and gaining and losing and gaining. I've just recently, thanks to illness and stress made it to my highest weight ever and its not pretty. I have a very healthy diet, I easily eat my 5-9 portions of veg a day, 2 or 3 fruit portions, whole grains/complex carbs, low fat meats, skimmed milk, low fat cheese, and nothing is deep fried or cooked in butter. I eat almost no sweetened baked goods. My biggest downfall is portion sizes are far too big, I stress eat big time, and I love beer and wine far too much, and I don't move my body.
So......that said, I'm on a slow loss, this time, I'm doing it differently. I'm not on a diet, I am on a healthy lifestyle movement. Its ok for me to have a blip, but instead of derailing myself and turning a bad meal into another into a bad week and into a bad month, I need to get back on immediately after. I have also been actively trying to increase my activity levels. I have health problems where I am in constant pain and I struggle with moving. However, swimming and walking and if its a good day, bike riding, have been excellent for me. So try to find a way to increase activity. 30 minutes a day they say, and it doesn't need to be 30 minutes at a time, so I've been finding out. 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there, 10 minutes later on. It adds up.
Evaluate your diet. And like cheesebiscuit says, keep a food journal, no matter what you eat. Its amazing to see what you put in your mouth, if you're not concious of it. Journal every bite, spoonful, lick, taste, crisp, piece of candy, etc. Get a set of scales and measuring cups and weigh out and measure food so you can see what is an actual portion size is. Slow and steady. Sparkpeople journaling is great. Or weight watchers if you want group support or want to pay for the online tools. You can join the UKY shrinkers thread, we're helping each other on as well.