VIA is pretty good, but way too expensive for me to justify.
If you can find it (I don't know if they make it any more), 8 O'clock instant coffee in the States is pretty good. I think their coffee in general is under-rated, and is an excellent value if you can't afford to buy it from other sources. Anyway, I used to drink my coffee black and unsweetened, and I used to buy 8 O'clock instant for when I needed to finish a paper for school and didn't want to make a full pot of coffee. I could never drink any other instant black. Even VIA was a bit much for me when I tried it black.
I've gotten a bit used to instant since moving here, and I personally think Clipper is one of the best choices for instant. I've not tried their decaf yet. I think the problem is that most of the time, people choose Nescafe for instant. It's sort of like in some areas, if someone offers you tea in your house, you're going to get PG Tips (shudder). So for all the choice, to a lot of people, Nescafe is coffee.
Chary, I've decided to find a good decaf. Last night, I followed people's lead here, and bought Taylor's of Harrogate Decaffe. I just made a pot, and it's okay. Not great. It has a very strong "decaf smell" and has that weird foretaste and a different after taste. I really hate that decaf smell, and I usually avoid decaf because of it. It's not horrible. Sort of smooth other than the slight decaf tastes, but a bit like drinking decaf Maxwell House.
I will try it in my press pot and moka pot. Next week I am trying Sainsbury's Decaf Colombian.