I read the first one because everyone said since I liked Anne Rice that I'd like this. WRONG. It was quite possibly the worst-written book I have ever read. It made me angry to finish it, that something that bad could make so much money. Apart from the £2 I spent on it, I more wanted those hours of my life back.
If you don't believe me, here's an example of the writing quality from this rather amusing rundown of the "books":
This book was so bad I broke the habit of a lifetime and actually threw it in the bin. I didn't even want to recycle it for fear some unsuspecting person might fish it out.
So completely different to Anne Rice, I actually love Anne Rice, the way she evokes new orleans, all the history and culture, the story and characters, I even really liked The Mayfair Witches (first one) which nobody liked but me
Twilight is aimed at young adults, it's a teen book, yes it appeals to older people but it isn't written for older people, I find it so heavy handed, it's just embarrassing, there's such an obvious agenda, i did download and read the saga though, everyone kept going on about them, and I like Anne Rice and Tru Blood and even Buffy, and as I'm currently writing teen fiction again (I used to publish short teen fiction in my uni days) I thought I'd have a go.
I have never in my life not completed a book/series, even if I hated it, I just am addictive about it, and I can safely say they don't get any better. Breaking Dawn made me want to kill myself, it's so bad, and makes no sense, and *this isn't really a spoiler, more of a hint at the direction*
all the difficult stuff, all the hard choices she spends four books setting up are just washed away in a deus ex machina
Eclipse is probably the best of the bunch overall, at least things happen in it.
If I was a friend of Bella's, I'd slap her round the face, tell her to "man up" and get over herself.